Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And One Hibiscus

One of my very favorites. An armful of flowers from the yard. Only one hibiscus was in bloom, so that became the name.
This hangs on my wall always.

Abstrct Hibiscus

Every once in a while I have fun doing an abstract. I love hibiscus and they got picked upon this time. I think there might be a few other flowers in there so...I hope you enjoy.

A Chairful

I searched for a year at yard sales and thrift stores for a chair I had in mind. I finally found it; now I could finally do this painting. I filled the chair and this blue crock with poppies, jonquils, tulips and a wide range of anything colorful.
What do you think of my chair now?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christmas Lights

Christmas always brings with it that extra special feeling of hominess that we all want around us. I couldn't resist taking the bulbs from the tree and adorning the beautiful old oil lamp. It made such a beautiful centerpiece and the painting will last a lifetime !


Yes, it's the NAS Lighthouse. How could I (or any artist) resist having such a beautiful lighthouse so near to home.

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Mother"s Love

The Lighthouse Refuge for Abused Women used this painting for publicity for their shelter in 2007.

Stuck in Water

This water color was done in Alabama and I found these roses and I couldn't resist painting them. They smelled good too!

Grandpa Has Been Fiddling Again

I couldn't resist calling it this. I love that old fiddle and it has been fun to paint it in many situations with many colors and it always looks different and interesting.

Picnic At Night

A friend brought this guitar in to the Brownsville Art League. It inspired me. Hope you enjoy!

Summer Melons

This is a painting I did in Illinois with Gerald Merfeld (now in Colorado) Great artist. Look him up some time.

Grandpa's Fiddle

This fiddle was my husband's grandfather's fiddle. He came from Ireland and bought it at a trading post in Iowa. Yes it was way back when they had trading posts!

Grandma's Other Love

This is a painting of my grandmother and her "other love"...TRIXIE ! Best of Show in Foley 2008 and I still love looking at my grandmother!